Almada Mata Atlântica Project

Biodiversity at Fazenda Bom Pastor and in our project area

Out of 36 biodiversity hotspots, the Mata Atlântica biome is one of the 10 most important hotspots. Hotspots are defined as places where an exceptional concentration of endemic species is affected by an exceptional loss of habitat. Due to its immense extent and the diversity of climate, soil and relief, it is one of the ecosystems with the highest rate of endemism and biodiversity on earth.

Despite a dramatic forest loss during the 20th century the biome still harbors about 7,000 tree and shrub species, of which at least 50% are endemics. In some forest fragments tree diversity is among the highest on the planet. 454 tree species have been counted on one hectare of forest in southern Bahia. Bromeliads and orchids are also exceptional diverse.

Furthermore 891 species of birds and 384 species of mammals, also with a high degree of endemism could be recognized in the Mata Atlantica.

The Mata Atlantica is the most threatened biome in Brazil. Regarding ICMBio 25% of all registered species are threathened, means categorized by the IUCN as VU, EN or CR. Additionally, there is a high proportion of species with a "data deficit".

On this sites we will feature some of the amazing biodiverity at Fazenda Bom Pastor and it's surrounding areas.
Additionally we create systematic species inventories in our project area. The lists can be downloaded here.