AMAPs mission is the long term conservation of the Mata Atlântica, one of the top hot spots of biodiversity in the world.
How you can support us
AMAP achieves its mission by using a wide range of activities. AMAPs first project in the region starts in 2017 as a direct reforestation action to increase the habitat of the golden-headed lion tamarins. In the following years AMAP has expanded its activities. All projects are only possible through a large number of contributors.

Land purchase
AMAP secures rain forest fragments and habitat for the golden-headed lion tamarins through land purchase. AMAP purchases land specifically to protect and reforest Mata Atlântica forests and to establish sustainable cacao production. One hectare of land costs about 3,000 euros. If you are interested in supporting AMAP in the purchase of land, we would be pleased to discuss the matter in a personal conversation.

Become a supporter and donate regularly
Regular donations allow AMAP to plan long-term projects and to use donations where they are most urgently needed. Regular financial support allows us to pre-fund essential conservation projects. You can directly donate via our German webpage.
Donate to a particular project

Support our reforestation efforts
Donations are used to purchase seedlings and carry out necessary maintenance on the reforestation areas. A seedling and the necessary maintenance in the following years costs about 30 Euros. The monthly salary of an employee is around 300 euros. You can directly donate via our German webpage.

Species conservation
AMAP supports research projects to secure the survival of golden-headed lion tamarins in the wild. To do this, equipment must be purchased on a regular basis. A collar transmitter, for example, costs about 250 euros. To carry out the monitoring, AMAP has hired two research assistants. One day of field work costs about 50 euros.

Support of field work
AMAP supports students in carrying out their fieldwork in the region with accommodation, food and logistics. One day of fieldwork costs about 25 euros.

Cocoa research for sustainable cocoa cultivation
AMAP supports a long-term monitoring as a partner of the Westlake University and the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz. One focus of research are ecological intensification methods to increase yields of cocoa production in order to conserve the traditional cabruca agroforestry system and thus its biodiversity. AMAP provides three research assistants in this project. One day of field work costs about 50 euros.
Our donation accounts
Almada Mata Atlântica Project
Banco do Brasil S/A
Bank agency: 0019-1
Checking account: 69.465-7
PIX: 29.014.200/0001-85
IBAN: BR12 0000 0000 0001 9000 0694 657C1