Almada Mata Atlântica-Projekt

Mammals of Fazenda Bom Pastor
384 mammal species, with at least 109 endemics are to be found in the Mata Atlântica. Bats (Chiroptera) are by far the most abundant group with 122 species or 31 % of the terrestrial mammals (262 species). In Europe, bats account for only 1-2% of the total number of terrestrial mammals. At Fazenda Bom Pastor, a range of mammals were spotted directly or their presence was confirmed by footprints. However, it was only possible to take photos of a small number of them. Golden-headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) are of particular importance to AMAP. AMAP devotes its attention to their long-term survival. The golden-headed lion tamarins at Fazenda Bom Pastor are part of a monitoring project, aiming to secure their long term survival in the Cabruca Agroforestry System. A group of currently 8 individuals is being monitored using collar transmitters. A second marmoset species occurring at Fazenda Bom Pastor are Wied’s Marmosets (Callithrix kuhlii).
